Free Range Bronze Turkey

(2 customer reviews)


A fantastic centrepiece to the Christmas Table – succulent, flavoursome and easy to cook with a full cooking guide. Please be advised that these are only available for delivery 19/20th DECEMBER, so please select accordingly.

We will endeavour to ensure that it is sent as late as possible before Christmas to help with fridge space on the run up to Christmas.  Please do not order other items on this order for delivery prior to your turkey, place a seperate order, unless you want the whole order delivered at the same time.

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We are delighted to be able to offer a Free Range Bronze Turkey from Kelly Bronze in Scotland.  They are a superb turkey and a great centre piece for the Christmas table.  They have a slight darker, more succulent meat than white turkeys as they are are hand plucked and dry aged, and have a great flavour.  Our Kelly Bronze Turkeys are “Bred to be Wild” and they are reared to the highest welfare standard, widely regarded as “the Rolls-Royce of Turkey”. We do only have a limited amount of these fantastic birds however, so please do order as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.